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The Village Movement

“Villages are instrumental in helping people remain in their homes and independent in their communities.”   Ilene Henshaw, AARP, Department of Government Affairs


Barnstable Neighbor 2 Neighbor is part of a worldwide "Village Movement" of over 300 non-profit community organizations with similar missions and services. We are proud to be one of several Cape Cod based Villages offering services to older residents in our communities. They are Bay to Sound Neighbors, Nauset Neighbors, and Neighborhood Falmouth.



What is the Village Movement?

The Village Movement is an innovative grassroots movement that coordinates critical services for older adults. Individual Villages are community-based, nonprofit organizations formed through a group of caring neighbors who want to help their older neighbors live independently longer and remain engaged in their communities.


A Proven Model

The Village Movement began in 1999 by a group of older adults who recognized the need for support in the future and didn’t want to rely on existing solutions such as nursing homes, retirement communities, and hired helpers. Twenty years later, the establishment of more than 300 Villages across the nation and many others in development has proven that seniors are able to age independently longer with assistance from a Village in their community.